Category: Hanga | Create

Akomanga – Classroom

On Thursday afternoons, we learn te reo Māori. This term, we have been learning commands and words to use in our classroom – akomanga. 

We have been practicing our te reo Māori by creating a Canva slideshow, a play, a comic or a Google slideshow with motes. 

I chose to work on a google slideshow with motes

I think I did a good job because I focused and got a lot done in one day.

Did you know all these Te Reo words?

Matariki Blog 


Matariki is a time to acknowledge the dead and to release their spirits to become stars. It was also a time to reflect, to be thankful to the gods for the harvest, to feast and to share the bounty of the harvest with family and friends.

For Art, we have been making a collaborative Matariki Star.

First, we sketched our design on a diamond shaped piece of paper.

 After that we drew our design in felt pen and poked holes on the piece we drew in the lines we poked.

Finally we painted on the foam pieces and put it on paper and it made the star.



We are doing a flexi physics slideshow and it was interesting learning about different energys.

  1. Elastic energy is energy stored in elastic materials as a result of compressing and stretching for example if you stretch a rubber band the elastic energy will make it ping.
  2. Chemical energy is energy stored in substances due to their chemical bonds for example if you 
  3. Potential energy is stored energy and an example of this is if you hold a pen and are about to drop it but you haven’t.
  4. Kinetic energy is moving energy for example if you jump your in motion and that’s kinetic energy.
  5. Gravitational energy is energy that pulls you down for example if you jumped you would get pulled back down.
    1. What are some examples of chemical energy?

      Answer: Examples of chemical energy are batteries, natural gas and coal.

    1. What would cause a ball to bounce higher than if it were just dropped on to the ground?

      Answer: A ball would bounce higher if you threw it because it would have more power it will bounce a lot higher.

    1. What are the 3 states of spring energy?

      Answer: The 3 states of energy are spring in its normal state, stretched spring and 

    Compressed spring.

    1. What is the difference between a slingshot and catapult?

     Answer:  The difference between for a catapult it can be automatic and slingshot you have to pull back.

    1. What forms of energy can you see in the picture?

      Answer:  We can see kinetic energy used as shes moving.  


Bee Bots

For Monday mashup I did Bee bots. By making a map on a piece of paper  and using masking tape to make the map on the ground. We had to make the bee bot go through the path, my group was Daetyn, and Vinnie. The thing I will do differently next time is writing down the program.

Life Education

Last week we went to the life education van. We saw Jo and Harold the giraffe. We learnt about the nine basic needs that help us through our day, they are Oxygen, Food, Water, Exercise, Sleep, Love, Safety, Cleaning and Shelter.

We also learnt how the heart works and how the blood moves, Blood is not red it is a really dark blue. Veins take blood away from the heart all the way through our body so we can breath and arteries take blood to the heart.

Have you ever been to the life education van before?


My Zoos Persuasive Writing

For about the last 2/1 weeks we’ve been doing a zoo debate. This slideshow shows what i have been doing about persuasive writing to convince people in my point of view about zoos.

epro 8

For CRT this week we did epro 8 with Sharon. We made a dog kennel to protect a dog from rain and we need to make a roof for it so it stays dry. We have made a stand and were making a platform for the dog to stay on with pieces of card, the thing I founding challenging is joining the red connectors with the metal rod. The thing i’m finding fun is making it the dog kennel with my friends.